"Before you dismiss the wonder of mermaid tails as mere folklore…
… take a moment to embrace the possibility that even the most extraordinary dreams can find their roots in reality."
For me and my clients Mermaids are an absolute reality. I bring their already amazing personas to life with some Photoshop Magic.
This Image is where we begin, with only minor color correction in Lightroom, this is pretty much straight out of camera.
This is the Image that lives in my minds-eye while I photograph my client as they swim among the kelp.
With the flow of the water comes the swaying of the kelp, the curvy movement inspires me to emphasize the natural curves of a powerful tail that swims through the powerful currents of Catalina.
Some retouching of the background and removing any trace that the tail might be a creation from the hands of man, and the image has transformed into its true form.